Berserk Bk 02

220,00 kr

Berserk Bk 02

  • ISBN: 9781593070212
  • 3 ex i lager
  • Förlag: Dark Horse
av: Kentaro Miura
The evil Count uses his dark powers to transform a defeated guard captain into an inhuman horror to combat Guts, the Black Swordsman. Puck, Guts' pint-sized fairy sidekick, is captured when he attempts to stop an old doctor's execution, and he is given as a gift to the count’s daughter, a sweet girl in a gilded cage, imprisoned by her father in her own room. Guts, determined to make mincemeat of the Count, assaults the castle and carves a swath of blood-soaked destruction through the Count's minions. Face-to-face with the Black Swordsman at last, the Count reveals his true form, and even Guts' super-sized sword may not be big enough to contend with this demonic monstrosity!
Ung. sidantal: 240
Färg/svart-vitt: Svart-vitt
Format: Mangapocket
Språk: Engelska
Läsriktning: Japansk
Taggar: Action, Fantasy

Denna vara lades till den fredag 12 april, 2019.